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Proteins and Fats May Play Key Role in Insulin Production: Study

Managing blood sugar levels may be more than just a matter of counting carbohydrates.
Proteins and fats play a more significant role than expected in insulin production, according to a recent study. This discovery not only provides a new perspective on diabetes management but also holds the potential to inspire future research and pave the way for better glucose control for people with Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and prediabetes.
Researchers also examined a subset of pancreatic cells from donors with Type 2 diabetes. These cells responded poorly to glucose, but the cells’ insulin response to proteins unexpectedly remained intact.
The researchers also conducted a comprehensive analysis of the gene expression of pancreatic islet cells to gather insights into the molecular and cellular characteristics that shape insulin production. They suggest these findings could potentially inform future genetic testing to predict individual responses to different macronutrients. The findings could revolutionize diabetes management by guiding personalized nutrition plans, giving individuals more control over their health.
“This really bolsters the case that protein-rich diets could have therapeutic benefits for patients with Type 2 diabetes and highlights the need for further research into protein-stimulated insulin secretion,” Kolic stated in the press release.
“There are limitations to take into account with this study when comparing specified cells to the whole individual, which is much more intricate and complicated,” Kimberly Gromer, a registered dietician with 25 years of experience coaching clients in weight management, diabetes, and insulin resistance, told The Epoch Times in an email.
However, Gromer said it is worthwhile to examine the contrast between normal pancreatic islet cells and those with T2DM and that translating the results into day-to-day clinical practice helps in considering various options.
For example, Gromer said that the findings that 8 percent of islet cells reacted to fats may help explain when someone doesn’t get the expected results from blood glucose control. The study clarified that additional protein is helpful in insulin resistance and blood sugar control.
She added that in her own experience, timing foods such as eating protein, fat, and fiber first, followed by carbohydrates at the end of the meal, may cause fewer insulin spikes.
“I have seen a varied response in my clients where some see much-improved blood sugar control whereas others do not,” she said.
Gromer said she was also surprised by the study findings that fats caused an insulin response and added that a higher protein diet is a clear winner for many people.
Gromer said that managing carbohydrates is the place to start with the most benefit for people with Type 2 diabetes or hyperinsulinemia.
“Without managing carbohydrates, other strategies have less chance to succeed,” she said.
